Accomplish Agile Business Intelligence & Analytics For Your Business
When it comes to implementing and managing a successful BI strategy we have always proclaimed: start small, use the right BI tools, and involve your team. We know that the best approach is an iterative and flexible approach, no matter the size of your company, industry or simply a department. When encouraging these BI best practices what we are really doing is advocating for agile business intelligence and analytics. That said, in this article, we will go through both agile analytics and BI starting from basic definitions, and continuing with methodologies, tips, and tricks to help you implement these processes and give you a clear overview of how to use them. In our opinion, both terms, agile BI and agile analytics, are interchangeable and mean the same. Therefore, we will walk you through this beginner’s guide on agile business intelligence and analytics to help you understand how they work and the methodology behind them. Without further ado, let's begin. What Is Agile...